Sunday, November 20, 2011

Install and Configure Burg in Ubuntu 11.10

This is a tutorial about installing burg and configuring it for ubuntu 11.10 and 10.04. It might work on other versions and other distributions too.

First we need to install burg by entering those 3 lines:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:n-muench/burg 
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install burg burg-themes
when installing for the first time burg will show you the above window
 here you must press  
SPACE and then Enter. 
after this finish installing burg.
Installing Burg Manager
"burg manager" is a program in which you can add themes for burg and couple options for managing burg.
To install burg , you have to install BUC  from here
just install the .deb file by double clicking it, this will open the Ubuntu software center, in the software center press install, there will be a massage , press ignore !!!!!!!
after installing buc, install "Burg Manager" from here
just download the .deb file and then install it with the software center and choose ignore in the massage.

This is some text after the last picture

Monday, September 5, 2011

Change window control buttons position

In ubuntu 11.04 I found a very easy and powerful tool to do this task and its called "Ubuntu Tweak", You can download this program from
After installing it you will find the launcher at "Applications->System Tools->Ubuntu Tweak"
Then you need to go to "Window Manager Settings" and change the layout of the window buttons. Thats it !

Screenshot of ubuntu tweak

The other way to accomplish this task is much more complicated and it involves using the not so user friendly "gconf-editor", then you go to "Apps->Metacity->General" and double click "button_layout" and change it to "menu:maximize,minimize,close" and that's should do the trick.
I prefer using the "Ubuntu Tweak" because it lets me to do much more with my OS, like configure compiz and clean the cache, add edit and remove sources, change the menu behavior and much more.
Overall this program is perfect for tweak and maintenance of you ubuntu os!

If you found this post helpful or you have something to add, please leave a comment !

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Menage Compiz using Ubuntu Classic

I didn't liked the new Ubuntu unity design so I switched to ubuntu classic design at the log in screen.
And I got to compiz and added some desktop affects like cube and wobbly windows and more...
Here are some screenshots of compiz after some tweaking and optimizing.
I have a laptop i3 and it runs really fast with those effects turned on.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

One of My Flash projects

Just click and drag the center circle to see the picture !
I was checking the action script 3 language (I am still new to AS3) but I know AS2.
Leave a comment below about what do you think about it!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

iphone Tethering on ubuntu 11.04

To enable USB Internet tethering in ubuntu 11.04 and iphone (You must have the option on the iphone)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pmcenery/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install ipheth-dkms ipheth-utils

To enable the use of tethering with Bluetooth

sudo apt-get install blueman
I hadn't tried the bluetooth option yet
If this tutorial helped you some way, please leave a comment!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

In ubuntu 11.04 how to change the cursor(mouse pointer)

If you use compiz, you must do those steps to install any mouse pointer yo find here:

  1. Download cursor pack.
  2. Extract it as root to /usr/share/icons
  3. Edit as root the index.theme file located in usr/share/icons/default
  4. Change the line Inherits= to the name of your new icon theme